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第一条 为加强本市门牌标志的管理,根据《天津市地名管理条例》和国家有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称门牌标志是指巷牌、楼牌、门牌。
第三条 市公安机关是本市门牌标志管理的行政主管机关,区、县公安机关具体负责本行政区域内门牌标志的管理工作,业务上受地名主管部门指导。
第四条 门牌标志的设置、更换应向所在地公安派出所提出申请,并应遵守下列规定:
第五条 公安机关应当自受理门牌标志申请之日起10日内审查完毕,对符合条件的,应当在30日内设置门牌标志;对不符合条件的,应当在3日内通知当事人。
第六条 地名主管部门命名、更名地名涉及门牌标志的,应在批准之日起15日之内通知公安机关。
第七条 巷牌、楼牌应设置在入口处左侧的墙体上。巷牌应设置在距离地面2至3米处。楼牌应设置在临街面明显处,距离地面2至3米;3层以上楼房应设置在2至3楼之间。
第八条 门牌按院落、楼栋或独立成间的房屋设置。院落设有两个以上门的,应在一个常用门设置正门门牌,其他门设置余门门牌。门牌设置在门楣右上端。
第九条 城镇门牌号编排,原则上应依据道路、里巷的走向确定:
第十条 村庄门牌号可以按照本办法第九条的规定编排,也可以依据房屋自然布局划分居住区按排编号。
第十一条 道路、里巷仅一侧有院落或房屋的,门牌号自起编处按顺序号编排;两侧均有院落或房屋的,自起编处按单、双号编排,左侧为单号,右侧为双号。
第十二条 严禁擅自设置、变更、移动、涂改、拆除或故意损毁门牌标志。
第十三条 擅自设置、移动、涂改、拆除或故意损毁门牌标志的,由公安机关处警告或500元以下罚款。
第十四条 公安机关的工作人员在门牌标志管理工作中,有滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊行为,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。
第十五条 门牌标志的编排、设置、更换和管理所需经费,按市人民政府有关规定执行。
第十六条 本办法自发布之日起施行。1986年9月19日市人民政府发布施行的《天津市门牌、里巷名牌管理办法》(津政发〔1986〕114号)同时废止。

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第一条 为了防范汇率风险,稳定进出口贸易(包括其他对外经济活动)成本,开展即期和远期外汇买卖业务,制定本规定。
第二条 中国银行可以接受中国境内的机关、团体、企业、事业及其他单位(以下简称客户)的委托,代理买卖即期和远期外汇。 其他金融机构经营前款规定的业务,须经国家外汇管理局批准。
第三条 本规定所称外汇买卖系指各种可兑换货币之间的买卖。
第四条 客户委托中国银行或者经国家外汇管理局批准的其他金融机构(以下简称指定金融机构)代理买卖即期和远期外汇,须经国家外汇管理局或者其分局批准,但下列两种情况除外:
第五条 买卖即期和远期外汇必须坚持自愿原则。
第六条 指定的金融机构代理客户买卖即期和远期外汇,应当以客户对外签订的贸易合同或者其他经济协议为依据,但代理经营外汇业务的金融机构和外商投资企业买卖的除外。
第七条 指定的金融机构受客户委托代办即期和远期外汇买卖时,客户应当提供履约担保。履约担保可以使用外汇额度抵押,也可以使用现汇预交履约保证金。
第八条 客户办理远期外汇买卖时,应当按照第六条规定向当地外汇管理部门提交申请书和贸易合同或者经济协议的副本,经外汇管理部门审核同意后,凭外汇管理部门的批件委托指定的金融机构代购远期外汇。
第九条 使用外汇额度提前结汇预交履约保证金的,由外汇管理部门在客户开出的外汇额度支付通知书上签注日期、盖章并扣减用汇指标。同城客户必须在签注之日后的三个工作日(异地客户在七个工作日)内买成美元存入指定的金融机构的“专项保证金存款”帐户。
第十条 指定的金融机构代办即期和远期外汇买卖时,凡客户使用外汇额度提前结汇和预交远期外汇买卖履约保证金的,必须通过“专项保证金存款”帐户进行核算。但客户使用原持有的现汇预交远期外汇买卖履约保证金的,仍通过“存入保证金”帐户进行核算。
第十一条 进口付汇晚于交割期时,使用外汇额度提前结成现汇的,指定的金融机构应将交割所得的货币头寸复入“专项保证金存款”帐户暂存;使用原持有的现汇的,指定的金融机构应将交割所得的货币头寸复存入“存入保证金”帐户。
第十二条 本规定由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十三条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

Regulations for Administration of Buy and Sale of Spot and ForwardForeign Exchange by Financial Institutes on Clients' Behalf

(Approved by the State Council on December 13, 1987. Promulgatedby the State Administration of Exchange Control on Feb. 13, 1988)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
The present Regulations are formulated in order to guard against the
risks of foreign exchange rate, stabilize the costs of import and export
trade (including other foreign economic activities) and develop the
businesses of buy and sale of spot and forward foreign exchange.
Article 2
The Bank of China can be entrusted to buy and sell spot and forward
foreign exchange by departments, organizations, enterprises, institutes
and other units (hereinafter referred to as the client) in the territory
of China.
Other financial institutes intending to conduct the businesses
mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by the State
Administration of Exchange Control.
Article 3
Buy and Sale of foreign exchange referred in the present Regulations
is the buy and sale of foreign exchange among all kinds of convertible
currencies. gated on March 10, 1983 shall be abrogated on the same date.
Article 4
The client intending to entrust the Bank of China or other financial
institutes approved by the State Administration of Exchange Control
(hereinafter referred to as the designated financial institute) on its
behalf to buy and sell spot and forward foreign exchange shall be approved
by the State Administration of Exchange Control or its local bureau except
for the following two situations:
1) Professional banks, financial institutes and foreign invested
enterprises with approval to conduct foreign exchange businesses, for
their self-owned or self-raised capitals of foreign exchange, may buy and
sell spot or forward foreign exchange by themselves in the international
financial market or entrust the designated financial institutes to handle
such businesses.
2) Other clients not stipulated in the above paragraph who borrow
foreign exchange in cash within or out of China and receive, with
permission, donated foreign exchange, upon the approval to open cash
account of foreign exchange in financial institutes within China, may
entrust the designated financial institutes on their behalf to buy and
sell spot or forward foreign exchange according to the foreign trade
contracts or other economic agreements.
Article 5
The principle of voluntariness shall be adhered to in the
transactions of buy and sale of spot and forward foreign exchange.
Article 6
The designated financial institute who is entrusted by the client to
buy and sell spot and forward foreign exchange shall base on the foreign
trade contracts or economic agreements signed by the clients, but
transactions of the financial institutes with approval to conduct foreign
exchange and foreign invested enterprises shall not be included.
Article 7
When the designated financial institute is entrusted by the client to
buy and sell spot or forward foreign exchange, the client shall provide
performance guarantee. Mortgage of foreign exchange quota or advance
payment of performance bond in cash can be used as the performance
The letter of guarantee for RMB at equal value issued by the deposit
bank shall be simultaneously provided in case the foreign exchange quota
is mortgaged as guarantee.
In case the foreign exchange quota is ahead of time settled into
foreign exchange in cash to pay the performance bond advance, the
settlement is limited to US. dollar only.
Article 8
When the client buy and sell forward foreign exchange, application
and copies of trade contracts or other economic agreements shall be
submitted to the local department of exchange control in accordance with
the stipulation of Article 6. After examined and approved by the
department of exchange control, the client may entrust the designated
financial institute to buy forward foreign exchange by presenting the
approval documents of the department of exchange control.
Article 9
In case the foreign exchange quota is ahead of time settled into
foreign exchange in cash to pay the performance bond in advance the
department of exchange control shall sign the date and affix stamp on the
payment notice of foreign exchange quota issued by the client and shall
deduct the foreign exchange ration. The client in the same city shall
within three working days after the date of the signature (seven working
days for the client in a different city) buy US. dollars from the quota
and deposit them into the account of "specific guarantee deposit" in the
designated financial institute.
In case the foreign exchange quota is mortgaged, the department of
exchange control shall transfer the foreign exchange quota mortgaged by
the client to the account of foreign exchange quota in the designated
financial institute.
In case the option transaction is entrusted by the client, only
foreign exchange quota can be mortgaged as guarantee, but the insurance
premium of option which should be paid upon conclusion of the deal may in
advance pay settled into foreign exchange in cash.
Article 10
When the designated financial institute is entrusted to buy and sale
spot and forward foreign exchange, if the client uses the foreign exchange
quota to settle ahead of time into foreign exchange in cash and pay the
performance bond in advance for buy and sale of forward, the designated
financial institute shall check and calculated through the account of
"specific guarantee deposit"; but if the client uses the cash of foreign
exchange originally owned to pay the performance bond in advance for buy
and sale of forward foreign exchange, the designated financial institute
shall still check and calculate through the account of "guarantee deposit"
Article 11
In case the date of import payment is behind the date of delivery, if
the foreign exchange quota is ahead of time settled into foreign exchange
in cash, the designated financial institute shall re-deposit temporarily
the cash position derived from the delivery into the account of "specific
guarantee deposit"; and if the cash of foreign exchange originally owned
is used, the designated financial institute shall re-deposit the cash
position derived from the delivery into the account of "guarantee
Article 12
The authority to interpret the present Regulations resides in the
State Administration of Exchange Control.
Article 13
The present Regulations will enter into force from the date of




第一条 为吸收和鼓励留学人员来南京工作,发挥他们的专业特长和对外联系的桥梁作用,特制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称留学人员,是指中华人民共和国公派、自费出国学习,取得学士学位以上的人员和国内取得中级以上专业技术职称任职资格,到国外高等院校和科研机构进修一年以上的访问学者或进修人员,以及其他在国(境)外学有专长,我市急需的人员。
第三条 南京市留学回国人员短期工作站,在国家人事部的指导下,负责留学人员来宁工作的接待、咨询、审定,并为留学人员在宁选择职业开展工作,提供服务。
第四条 留学人员可以在南京地区根据自己的专业特长选择工作单位。对到“三资”企业、民办企事业、外国和港澳在宁机构、我市在外机构工作的人员,人事部门负责保存其人事档案和行政关系;是国家干部的,可以保留原有身份,计算连续工龄。
第五条 接收留学人员的单位不受编制计划、户口计划指标、增干指标和工资总额的限制;聘任中、高级专业技术职称不受职数限制。凭国家人事部接收留学生介绍信和南京市留学回国人员短期工作站有关证明办理增加指标计划的手续。
第六条 设立留学回国人员择优资助经费,留学人员进行科学研究、新技术开发或其他科技活动以及参加国际学术会议和国际学术交流,可以申请经费资助。留学人员生产开发高科技产品,凭其所在工作单位证明,经市科委批准立项后,优先给予科研补助经费。科研基金由科委推荐向
第七条 留学人员可以在市内创办私营企业。允许以境外注册公司的名义到南京投资,或以自己的专利、专有技术、资金向南京各类企业投资,经批准可以享受“三资”企业的优惠政策。
第八条 对留学人员在南京工作期间做突出贡献者给予表彰奖励。
第九条 对来我市工作的留学人员在聘用单位工作期满后,可继续聘用,也可由本人重新自主选择单位。对要求再次出国的留学人员,实行来去自由的政策。
第十条 欢迎不能来南京工作的留学人员中的专家、学者,以讲学、咨询指导、洽谈项目、参观访问等多种形式来我市进行短期服务。
第十一条 切实做好来南京工作留学人员的生活安置工作。对来我市工作的留学人员,用人单位应优先解决住房,愿意购买商品房的应优先安排。有条件的单位可兴建留学人员公寓。南京市留学回国人员短期工作站提供的住房,优惠安排用人单位和留学人员租用。留学回来南京工作人

第十二条 本规定由市人事局负责解释。
第十三条 本规定自公布之日起施行。
